Scientific member


Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Emmanuel Devred is a research scientist at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, in Dartmouth. His research interests include marine optics, development of bio-optical algorithms and satellite remote sensing by combining in situ measurement of bio-optical properties and processing of time series of Ocean Colour satellite data. His research find applications in the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans to address issues related to phytoplankton ecology, habitat mapping, fisheries and climate change.


Spectral Lab
University of Victoria

Maycira Costa is a Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria, British Columbia. She has a BSc in Biological Oceanography and an MSc and Ph.D. in Remote Sensing. As the director of the remote sensing laboratory at UVic, Maycira coordinates a research program focused on using satellites to measure ocean ecosystem dynamic, specifically, ocean productivity and nearshore habitats. She is currently working on examining changes to juvenile salmon habitats in the ocean using data derived from satellites, UAVs, aerial photo and vessels of opportunity. In addition to her research, Maycira is presently the co-chair of the Canadian Network of Ocean Colour Remote Sensing researchers and has served as a scientific adviser to the Japanese Exploration Agency (JAXA), Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), Canadian Space Agency (CSA), and European Space Agency (ESA) as part of satellite mission programs and validation.


Takuvik Joint International Laboratory
Université Laval and CNRS

Marie-Hélène Forget is the science coordinator at the Takuvik Joint International Laboratory. Her research interests lay in the use of remote sensing of ocean colour and in situ optical measurements to address biological questions related to phytoplankton primary production, biomass and species distribution.


Canada Centre for Inland Waters
Environment and Climate Change Canada

Caren Binding leads a research program in aquatic optics and inland water remote sensing with Environment and Climate Change Canada, located at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters in Burlington, Ontario. Her work combines in situ and lab-measured optical properties, radiative transfer modeling, algorithm development/validation, and satellite image processing, to develop remote sensing tools for water quality applications. Satellite imagery is used to monitor the temporal and spatial variability of, for example, lake water clarity or algal blooms, and to further understand the effects of multiple lake, watershed, and climate drivers on lake water quality.


Shallow Water Earth Observation Laboratory
University of Ottawa

Anders Knudby is Associate Professor of Remote Sensing and GIS at the University of Ottawa, where he directs the Shallow Water Earth Observation Laboratory, and is the founder of the consulting firm Liquid Geomatics. Anders has worked with remote sensing for two decades, primarily on development of robust processing algorithms for optical satellite data. His work includes research in cloud detection, benthic habitat mapping, bathymetry, change detection, species distribution modeling, and machine learning.



Water related issues (Watersat)
Canadian Space Agency (CSA)

Laurent Giugni is a Geographer with a background in remote sensing and GIS. He is WaterSat Mission Manager and CSA representative on water related issues as well as Program Officer for the smartEarth funding initiative at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Laurent has worked for more than 25 years closely with the industry, the academia, governments and NGOs fostering a smart use of satellite data to develop innovative solutions to key challenges on Earth for the benefit of Canadians and human kind.


Managing Director
Marine Environmental Observation Prediction & Response network (MEOPAR)

Rodrigo Menafra is the Managing Director at MEOPAR since Sep 2019. With over 20 years of experience in the costal an ocean management and research sector in many countries, he has developed an expertise in research project management, knowledge mobilization and partnership development in academic, government and industry sectors.

Communication and Event manager


Takuvik Joint International Laboratory
Université Laval and CNRS

Claudine Ouellet is a Geographer who joined Takuvik Joint International Laboratory in 2018 with the mandate to coordinate the CNRS budgets of the unit. New to Netcolor, she was given the mandate to coordinate communications and help the organize the 3rd annual meeting with the steering committee.